Most modern instant messaging clients offer the option to ignore certain unwelcome contacts or shield your activities and online status from them.
eM Client offers a way to manage your privacy preferences with regards to each individual contact in your IM contact list.
With the help of the Privacy List Management, you can choose whether to be visible to your contacts, and be notified of their online activities.
To access the Privacy List Management, select in the Main Menu: Instant Messaging -> Privacy List Manager...
For each IM account, there are two global lists each governing the interaction between you and your contacts in a particular online status: Primary and Invisibility.
The primary status refers to all the visible online statuses you can set the eM Client IM module to, such as online, away, busy etc.
The invisibility status refers to when you set your IM online status to invisible.
For each of the global online status lists, you can set the level of interactivity between you and each of your contacts individually.
Once you've chosen a Privacy List, in the Rules window is the list of all your IM contacts. For each contact in the list, there are three elements of interaction you can toggle on and off. Contact Presence, User Presence, and Messages.
Contact Presence - this element controls how aware you will be of the contact's presence, in other words, whether you will be notified of any changes in your contact's online status. Toggle it off to stop receiving notifications about this contact.
User Presence - this element controls how aware the contact will be of the user, your presence. In other words, whether you will be visible to this contact. Toggle it off to appear off line to this contact.
Messages - toggle this icon on and off to receive or ignore messages sent by this contact.
In the Rules list, click on the column corresponding to each of these three element in the row occupied by each contact to toggle on and off each element for that contact.
Alternatively, you can choose from four presets to collectively configure all the contacts. These presets include:
Ignore all - Turns off Contact Presence and Messages for ALL contacts in the list, effectively rendering you oblivious of all activities of your contacts.
Don't Ignore anyone - Turns on all three elements for each contact.
Invisible to all - Turns off User presence for ALL contacts, rendering you invisible to all your contacts.
Visible to all - Turns on User presence for ALL contacts, making you visible to all your contacts.
Here you can also add IM contacts to your contact list. Just type in the Jabber ID in the text field next to JID:
Once you've finished typing in the JID, click on the add button to add the contact.
With this two dimensional control scheme, you can easily configure whom you wish to interact with when you are actively or passively taking part in Instant Messaging.
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